Tuesday, November 8, 2011

So Now, I"m a "Journalist"

hi,...It's been awhile and I've missed writing this blog...I've had to take out all of my sarcastic wit on a chat friend of mine, Vicki.  I love to make people laugh...should've been a stand-up comedienne rather than a lie-down schizophrenic! lol.  And honestly, my other two blogs really aren't very funny.  Treasures from Darkness is honestly rather morose (did I hear someone mutter "whiney"??? See, I hear these things....) and Flying Faith; Muddy Trenches  well, it's about faith, pain, hope...a smattering of everything...but NOWHERE is there a hint of humor.  (See, I can keep secrets!)

I told someone recently as we were both roaring over something exceptionally funny that I'd said, "I love to make myself laugh.  Then I know it was really funny!"  And it's true...sometimes (and don't let word of this get out) I walk around laughing out loud - for no apparent reason.  The reason is that I just thought something hysterical.  Don't you wish you had a tablet of paper and a pen with you everywhere you go ---OH, you do?? yeah..it's called an iPhone, I know. Well, I'm not organized enough to carry around pen and paper and I'm not rich enough to have an iPhone so --sadly--my really funny thoughts just float away into neural-space, lost to the rest of  the world...and five minutes later, lost to me as well. (Short term memory loss bites!)  But... if I did have paper or iPhone, I would be a world famous comedic journalist or something....

That reminds me of the whole reason I started this absurdly pointless post: Tonight I had my first article published that was picked up by a news-service/  The news service is called
"ANS" or "Assist News Service" (web site: www.assistnews.net ) I wrote a story that was solicited from me by a --I believe, world-wide news service which sends out multiple daily emailings to its subscribers.  So right now, millions (??) of households are in a few short hours going to be marveling over my insane life story....Here's the link --should you want to marvel too ( :)) ) Holding Fast to My Rock

I hope you enjoy it...And although I don't think it will make you laugh (if you do, I'm coming looking for you!)  maybe you'll get some idea of where and how this poor mind of mine got so bent. lol

Have great one, peeps!